Server names for cluster members

The name of a server is normally defined by the property in the file. In a clustered environment this would lead to all members having the same name since only 1 EAR is used for all these members.

This article will show you how to give each cluster member a unique name.

Maximo will use this approach to define a server name:
1. First Maximo will look for a JVM system property called
2. If this is not available Maximo will look for a property called in the file

In a clustered environment using the file is not an option. System properties can be set using a JVM command line option:


In WebSphere all the members of a cluster have a unique name and this is stored in a variable called ${WAS_SERVER_NAME}

In WebSphere we only need to do the following:
Servers -> Application Servers -> MXServer003 -> Java and Process Management -> Process Definition -> Java Virtual Machine -> Generic JVM arguments

Add the following to the JVM arguments:${WAS_SERVER_NAME}

How to validate the server names?


We can check the server name in the SystemOut.log. During startup maximo will log a line which looks like this:
[10/25/11 9:59:10:232 CEST] 0000002d SystemOut     O 25 Oct 2011 09:59:10:232 [INFO] BMXAA6450I - Property = MXServer003

System Properties Application

In the System Properties application we can check the member names in the section where an instance property can be added. The server name attribute has a lookup list which containes all the different server names.


  1. Great post ! Love the ${WAS_SERVER_NAME} note, thank you !


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